Friday, August 27, 2010

I'm BACK!!!

Ok so I have been away a long and I mean long time but I am hoping to get back inot the run oif things. The summer saw alot of things going on in my 'real' life that meant I didn't get much of a chance to do what is one of my passions, I just feel lucky that this break happened when the Lodges here on the Emerald Ilse are dark.

I am hoping to have a nissue of the newsletter rady to go mid September and am still taking submissions for it as well as dusting off the ones i got before the summer, wow it was way back in March/April time I did the last one :(

Just a bit of news now, I am attending the Irish Lodge of Research tomorrow in Dublin where the paper is on Rosslyn so am quite excited about that in my September meeting I am presenting the poistponed paper on the Formation of the Three Home Lodges and by then we should be back inot the swing of things. I have just booked my hotel in DC for the ICHF in May and am hard saving up money for that.

Brethren attending the 2009 ICHF held in Edinburgh

I'm going to try and post a little more often and for this first one I thought I'd share a link I was sent via email today. Lewis Masonic has now set up their own YouTube Channel and I'll be interested to see what they will be presenting, their claim is as you can see promising lets hope they hold up their end :)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Masonic Aprons

Words are not really needed just enjoy some beautiful work.....

Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Masonic Traveler

Just a few months ago I was delighted to share the free ebook from brother Greg Stewart

Well this he has taken the time out to share with us, in his own words 'a collection of thoughts on things I found interesting since starting [his] blog' a blog which I don't mind saying you really should take the time to have a read of from time to time.
Unlike his previous book this time Greg has sent this tome to print and it is available to buy from various different places all reachable through his blog at or at the books web site at

I know it is said a book should never be judged by it's cover but in this case as you can see above the cover is wonderful and it is easy to tell as well as a talented author Brother Greg is a very accomplished artist and if you have a search through his site you will see many examples some of which are his modern interpretations of the masonic tracing boards.

Book Cover/Tracing board images © 2010 Greg Stewart/Masonic Traveler

I would strongly suggest that you take the time to visit Gregs Blog and then buy the book I think it will be worth while.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

THE BOOK is here

I first mentioned the newest work by Willimas and Dafoe a while back here and and it has had a name change and the slight problems with distribution but the wait is over I am delighted to share that if you live in the US or Canada you can now preorder your copy of Esoteric Odyssey – The Philosophy of Masons.

If you live in Europe or further afield worry not you will very soon be able to order it through the usual places but check back and I'll list where just as soon as I know.

Preorder your copy HERE oh and by preordering you also get a nice signed bookplate by Messers Williams and Dafoe ...... nice.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Wonderful picture!

Whilst searching through Wiki Commons that wonderful online resource for copyright free images for a project I am working on I came across this photo.

The resolution isn't great but the subject matter is wonderful.

The image reminds me very much of the Darktown series of images published by Currier and Ives in New York in the arly 1900's.
But instead of portraying just Afican American in a unfair attempt at a humourous style it shows true equality by making everyone look a bit 'funny'

The caption with the image tells us that it is

A splendid procession of Free Masons. ca.1820. By D.C. Johnston.

For those of you unaware of the Darktown series here is one of the many images out there (this one ios from 'The Antient Order Of The Lodge Goat' Facebook Group

Monday, March 22, 2010


Satan decided that the game was over. He was tired of God’s pitiful hands off policy on the Earth. For eons that balance of power had been maintained, both of them forcing the other to not interfere in mankind’s development through the times.

And so the newest novel on the block starts but this is not like any other novel out there.

A few short weeks ago I found myself befriending a man on Facebook, a daily occurrence for most of us with an account, but this guy was a little different unlike most of my friends who had ‘found’ me because of my membership of the Masonic Order; and would later find we would have other similar interests as we got to ‘know’ each other this guy found me because of a mutual interest in Zombies ….. yes the undead, the rotting, decaying mobile corpses that are the subject of many a book and movie both good and not so good.

Then why I hear you ask are you telling us about him on a Masonic Blog.

As well as being a Zombie fan he is also a Freemason.

The man to whom I refer is Benjamin Rogers, write that name down you will be hearing of it again in the future. Like nearly everyone who has ever read a book he has had a go at writing one but unlike most of us he has succeeded.

It is said we each have a book in us but Rogers has a few starting with ‘Faith & The Undead’ which is released this summer. The first in the’ Trilogy of the Undead’ introduces us to Frank Payens a drifter who is lost and in need of a direction in his life.

“He had traveled many paths across what he considered a great nation, but was never able to find a place of comfort to call home. That all changed about three years ago when he began to hear rumors of The Home, a monastery like retreat that only accepted veterans. The stories of military monks living in a compound in New York or Connecticut seemed to popup no matter where he went in the nation. “

The book, (of which I have had the opportunity to read the first few chapters) aims to take us on a rollercoaster ride through a land devoid of life, controlled by the undead, decaying as civilisation ceases.

Chapter one is a great introduction setting a brilliant position for the continuing story the prtral of the character of the ‘wounded’ soldier finding consolation in his faith and the portrayal of a powerful yet fearful Satan is great as well I could really picture the soul of the German woman wandering toward the duel entrances of eternity knowing which way she would be going. For those of you who want the introduction Rogers tells me he will be posting Chapter One on his Blog tonight so head on over and start the journey into the end of the world with Payens and co.
As the adventure starts there is only one group who can help and they are put in charge. Heading into battle their cry is ‘Beauseant’ their shield is God.

Rogers has created a new world for his book…….and it is a virtual world. Keeping up to date with the development of this new could not be any easier. He has a blog, a Facebook page and Twitter account. I honestly believe this is going to be a book and man to follow who will lead into an exciting world of death and destruction.

Oh and did I mention the Freemasons turn up in the book. What more could you want,

Zombies...Templars...Masons.....Faith.....&.........Mystery join author Benjamin Rogers

as he keeps us up to date with one of the most anticipated Zombie Novels of the age!!!

“We have awaited your arrival brother. It is time for your healing to commence,” the monk stated.
Frank dropped his rucksack to the ground and dropped to his knees knowing that not only had he found The Home, but he had finally located the spot of comfort that he was looking for. The place he could call home.”

Monday, March 15, 2010

Change of name

In a  previous BLOG POST I shared a little information about the upcoming book edited by Brother Dafoe and Williams from Canada, was originally published in 1790 by Thomas Marryat as 'The Philosophy of Masons,' they have chosen to title it 'Esoteric Odyssey' and have changed the cover art to match the new title.


It is a book I am really looking forward to and one which very nearly dissappeared due to ravages of time as can be seen from this scan of the original 1790 title page from the Facebook Group dedicated to the book.

The book is richley illustrated throughout with wonderful images and you know the book is going to be attentive to detail when you see the cover art by Stephen dafoe goes as far as to include a Square and Compasses created in the smoke. I am wholeheartedly looking forward to this glympse at a time gone by in a hope to better understand the minds of many of the men who were there in the very early days of organised Freemasonry.

I obviously haven't read this yet but know from the previous work of Brother Dafoe and Williams we are in for a treat and it makes me wonder how many more great works are out there just waiting for the likes of these gifted men to bring them back from the brink of decay.

The new 2010 release from Cornerstone Book Publishers  combines non-mainstream 18th-century philosophy and science with unorthodox ideas about esoteric knowledge, history, religion and Freemasonry. It has been edited and annotated by Stephen Dafoe and Randy Williams, both of whom have also written a new introductory essay.