Saturday, October 31, 2009

Issue 4 is here


I am delighted to let you know that the most recent issue of the MAE newsletter is available to view online and can be found by clicking here.

I  hope you all enjoy it as much as I enjoyed preparing it. The next issue will be publish just before Christmas so I am hoping many of you will find the time to put pen to paper (fingers to keyboard) and contribute in some way.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

10 Reasons to Become a Mason

OK I put my hand way up in the air and say I copied this from several brethren who had posted it on Facebook but decided it was so good I would share it on the blog, if you know someone who  is thinking of joining the Craft or you're thing of joining yourself have a read through these 10 reasons. I will say this is not a list of ALL you get from freemasonry but a very good starting point for your perusal and whilst on the subject of information I'd just like to remind you of a previous post where I mentioned Bro. Greg Stewart's great E-Book......

What is Freemasonry?

which is available for free download by clicking here

10 Reasons to Become a Mason

1. A place where you can confidently trust every person and trust your family with them also.

2. A place where, within moral and civil guidelines; free thought, free speaking and the spiritual growth of man, can grow into its fullest potential.

3. A place to meet outstanding individuals from all walks of life, that a person would not otherwise have had the opportunity to know and call brother.

4. A place to be part of an organization which has for its principal tenets – Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth.

5. A place that provides self-development opportunities, leadership training and experience, and to improve public speaking skills.

6. A place you can go to seek support as well as give it.

7. A place where moral virtues are taught and through these teachings a regular reinforcement of the moral virtues is experienced.

8. A place to spend time with a group of brothers, who by acting as good men, make me want to become a better man. Not better than others, but better than I would have otherwise been.

9. A place to become better equipped to serve Church and community.

10. A place to meet with established members of the community and to become a part of the community.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Lid lifted on history of an institution

MOST people walk past the 1950s era building on May Street in the heart of Belfast city centre without a second glance, the distinctive Masonic anvil woven into the metal of the gate a rallying point to only those in the know.

A gold plaque in memory of Henry Joy McCracken, the infamous leader of the Republican United Irishmen in Ulster, who staged a series of uprisings in the 18th century, adds further intrigue.

However, all and more was explained by the Provincial Grand Lodge Librarian of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Antrim, Robert Bashford, as he welcomed the News Letter over the threshold.

read the rest of this facinating report here

Friday, October 9, 2009

They wouldn't tell you if they ruled the world!!

this is the ending quote on this recnt CNN report titled.


it seems to me Freemasonry is not as mysterious as it once was or as feared great news if you ask my humble opnion.

nothing going on!!!

I know I have been quiet lately but I've been just so busy, why I hear you all shout. I made a trip into the North of Ireland to visit with the Irish Lodge of Research which was being hosted by Ensor Lodge 625 in Loughgall Co. Antrim where I had a fantastic time.
This coming Tuesday I am taking part in a third degree in my mother Lodge then Thursday I fly over to the UK to sit in Logde in London with brethren from the Global Fraternal Network, whilst there I will be meeting with the 2nd Circle Chairmen of The Masonic Society for England and Scotland to try and arrange a seminar next March in London then at the back end of the month I am flying over to Scotland with my mother lodge for a few visits to a few lodges over there on top of this I am working a full time job, creating the lastest issue of the Masonic Art Exchange Newsletter and have just got back from the Doctor who tell me I am not actually dying but do have a nasty case of Sinusitas other than that I have all the time in the world oh and I forgot my wife who is one of the hardest working women in the known universe is taking a well deserved break in Mallorca for a week which means I also have the three children. All that said and done I am a very happy man who has a wonderful (and full) life which I enjoy with the love and support of my wife, children and family so this IS NOT complaining just an observation thats all.

a piece of music to acompany the way this month feels!