Monday, January 25, 2010

ICHF 2011

Looks like I need to get saving already checked the price of flights and it's actually looking good so far if you can make this I would recommend it the 2009 conference was brilliant, this event is one you definately try to make and I know I will.

With some of the best speakers on the various aspects of freemasonry (both masonic themselves and non-masonic) 2009 saw such varied subjects as Military Lodge histories and Masons Marks, Lodge jewels and the growth of Prince Hall Masonry I am sure the 2011 conference will not be a disapointment and with the wonderfully historic location of Washington Dc and Alexandria on the conference doorstep I kinda excited.


The George Washington Masonic Memorial, Alexandria, Virginia.


The International Conference on the History of Freemasonry (ICHF) promoted by Supersonic Events Ltd. is pleased to announce The George Washington Masonic Memorial, Alexandria, Virginia, will host the event in 26 -30 MAY 2011.

By holding a biennial conference open to the public, the main purpose of the ICHF is:

• to promote Freemasonry as a subject for academic study.

• to present and debate relevant contributions in this area of research.

• to create a forum for interactions between researchers, experts and a wider audience.

• to encourage individuals to take an interest and participate in an active exchange of knowledge in the area.

The ICHF is a non-profit making, privately owned event and brand, sponsored by Supersonic Events Ltd. with no formal affiliation to any masonic or academic body. On each occasion a leading academic is  appointed to convene a specialist committee responsible for the selection of suitable presentations. Any surplus generated by the ICHF will go to support young researchers and academics pursuing research in the topic and other relevent masonic projects.

The first conference was held in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 2007 and was judged so successful, as to merit a second conference. ICHF was again held in Edinburgh in May 2009 primarily because this was the 250th anniversary of the birth of Brother Robert Burns, thus allowing ICHF not only to celebrate Burns but also Freemasonry in all its diversity. However, the ICHF was never envisaged to remain in one place for all time.
It was planned that ICHF would travel to different Masonic venues around the world. This would enable people in the host country and those nearby easier access to the conference and allow participants to visit new sites and cities.

The conference will be additionally attractive as several cultural and social events will be associated with the event. Both 2007 and 2009 conferences were held immediately after a major cultural event – the Young Musicians Of The Year Awards. This linkage between Freemasonry and culture, in this instance supporting the young rising stars of classical music, is an important aspect of ICHF. We are planning another major cultural event for ICHF 2011. In addition to the cultural dimension the social aspect ought not to be ignored. It has been seen that Gala Dinners, usually held on the Saturday night of the conference, have been very successful with delegates and often their wives attending.

The opportunity has also been taken to hold a special Masonic event specifically for the Freemasons who are in attendance at the conference. In 2009 this took the form of a special meeting when a candidate was initiated into The Lodge of Edinburgh (Mary’s Chapel), No.1. This was an international Masonic gathering of the highest quality and attended by Freemasons from every continent. It is anticipated that another ‘one off’ Masonic event will be held the day after the conference closes in 2011.

Please also be aware that there are numerous opportunities to visit other nearby sites and museums of Washington DC, including George Washington’s Mount Vernon.

A timetable is in the course of preparation and will be made available in the near future.

Please do keep watching for further news about ICHF at the GWMM in 2011. Below are several web sites that you might wish to bookmark for future reference.

The George Washington Masonic Memorial web site:

The ICHF web site:

The Grand Lodge of Scotland news pages:

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Old Masters Wages

The poem I am sharing today I feel is one which many of us will be able to assosiate with read it and have a think about what your wages in life will be.

The Olde Masters Wages

I met a dear old man today,

Who wore a Masonic pin,

It was old and faded like the man,

It's edges were worn quite thin.

I approached the park bench where he sat,

To give the old brother his due,

I said, "I see you've traveled east,"

He said, "I have, have you."

I said, "I have, and in my day

Before the all seeing sun,

I played in the rubble, with Jubala

Jubalo and Jubalum."

He shouted, "don't laugh at the work my son,

It's good and sweet and true,

And if you've traveled as you said,

You should give these things their due."

The word, the sign the token,

The sweet Masonic prayer,

The vow that all have taken,

Who've climbed the inner stair.

The wages of a Mason,

are never paid in gold,

but the gain comes from contentment,

when you're weak and growing old.

You see, I've carried my obligations,

For almost fifty years,

It has helped me through the hardships

and the failures full of tears.

Now I'm losing my mind and body,

Death is near but I don't despair,

I've lived my life upon the level,

And I'm dying upon the square.

Sometimes the greatest lessons

Are those that are learned anew,

And the old man in the park today

has changed my point of view.

To all Masonic brothers,

The only secret is to care,

May you live your life upon the level,

May you part upon the square.

by N. Neddermeyer

Monday, January 18, 2010

QCCC: Membership pack

Another white padded envelope arrived for me today and inside I am delighted to say was my membership pack from the Quatuor Coronati Corespondent Circle the complimentary book of transactions sent to me was from 2006 (Vol 119) this of course now means I will have to hunt down and buy the others however there is the option to purchase them on the quatuorcoronati web site (both as book or as pdf's on CD)

The book I received included some wonderful papers I am really looking forward to such as

Freemasonry Amoung Prisoners of War 1750-1815
by Bro. Michel L. Brodskey


A french esoteric Installation of  a Worshipful Master in 1774 by Bro. Dr Jacques Litvine.

While I am on the subject of interesting research papers why not have a look at these sites as well and you are sure to find a gem or two.......

and of course there are thousands more out there...

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Deciphering THE LOST SYMBOL: Finished.

As I sipped the warming liquid of my coffee and the wind was throwing the rain against my window I opened the well designed covers of Chris Hodapp’s most recent book ‘Deciphering THE LOST SYMBOL’.

The cover of his book; easily as intricate as that of the recent tome that covers the Washington DC outing of the Harvard Professor made popular in the DaVinci Code, is a pleasing combination of browns and reds with ghost effects of symbolism akin to a journal from the mystical past.

Someone said you should never judge a book by its cover but so often it is impossible not to do so, and with that in mind I expected great things. I must admit up front I consider Chris a friend and have never found anything lacking in his previous works which include ‘Freemasons for Dummies’ and ‘Solomon’s Builder: Freemasons, Founding Fathers and The Secrets Of Washington DC’ if anything I found this position had me requiring a bit more than if I didn’t know him.

In his opening statement he describes Dan Browns book as a

‘509-page love letter to the fraternity of Freemasonry.’

…something that many men in the fraternity were surprised by as they had expect a book which may have painted Freemasonry in the same dark tone as Brown had previously painted the Opus Dei and the Catholic Church.

Hodapp weaves his way through the many twists and turns of THE LOST SYMBOL trying and succeeding to explain some of the inconsistencies of the book, and to explain where Brown hit the nail on the head and where he was at the risk of hitting his thumb with near misses and of course where he just hit the table with a complete error of information. But in these instances Hodapp puts forward a hypothesis which I will let you read and in which I found myself agreeing.

With his usual humour Chris presents us short easy to read chapters much akin to Browns writing style that makes this a very informative, educational yet easy read. I found his chapter on Noetics a huge help in further understanding the theories that Katherine Solomon puts forward in the book and he provided information on where; should you want, you can read more about this fascinating subject.

Chapter 3: Art, Codes, and the Cover of The Lost Symbol and Chapter 4: Symbolism had to be my two favourite pieces in the book but not once did I feel I was wasting my time in reading this book and feel confident in recommending it to everyone Mason and non-mason alike, this is the perfect a compliment to The Lost Symbol and I feel it should be on the shelf right next to it on your bookcase.

In conclusion this is a great book well worth its cover price and a great way to spend a chilly winter night, which everyone should own.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A very special delivery

As I leaned down to pick up my mail I was greeted by a large white padded envelope.

On it was the unmistakable logo of AMAZON.

As I hadn't ordered anything since before Christmas my mind started to wonder exactly what the envelope held.

Carefully opening my mysterious package I was greeted with a wonderful surprise, I say surprise but  did know I would be getting this 'gift' but was not sure when. I of course am talking of the most anticipated book of 2010 (for me anyway.) Chris Hodapps examination of Dan Browns book 'The Lost Symbol'


I know through reading Chris' (dare I say wonderful) blog and via his facebook postings that he had read THE LOST SYMBOL within days if not hours of it hitting the shelves back in September and got straight down to making an attempt to make sense of it for us all. I obviously have not yet read his book. I too however read Browns book within days and enjoyed it and would recommend reading it if you have not yet and of course pick up a copy of Chris' book to accompany it.

I've got to go now I have some reading to do.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

On Presenting A Lambskin Apron: Fay Hempstead (1847–1934)

# postcard available to purchase see below

On Presenting A Lambskin Apron

Light and white are its leathern folds;
And a priceless lesson its texture holds.
Symbol it is, as the years increase,
Of the paths that lead through the fields of Peace.
Type it is of the higher sphere,
Where the deeds of the body, ended here,
Shall one by one the by-way be
To pass the gates of Eternity.

Emblem it is of a life intense,
Held aloof from the world of sense:
Of the upright walk, and the lofty mind,
Far from the dross of Earth inclined.
Sign it is that he who wears
Its sweep unsullied, about him bears
That which should be to mind and heart,
A set reminder of his art.

So may it ever bring to thee
The high resolves of Purity.
Its spotless field of shining white
Serve to guide thy steps aright:
Thy daily life, in scope and plan,
Be that of the strong and upright man.
And signal shall the honor be
Unto those who wear it worthily.

Receive it thus to symbolize
Its drift, in the life that before thee lies.
Badge as it is of a great degree,
Be it chart and compass unto thee.

Fay Hempstead (1847–1934)

This popular poem by Hempstead  it is more often know by the shorter title of "The Lambskin Apron". read more about Bro Fay Hempstead have a look at his biography on the Encyclopedia of Arkansas Website. This poem is from his book Poems, Complete Edition (1922).

#Masonic Postcard facsimile of original by Norman Gardner prize winning New York artist and sculptor The Installation. depicting caricature like masons in aprons the Master in the chair. Published by A. Beckingsale 2006. New. avaiable to purchase from InterCol London

New Resources at MAE Website

It's been quite a long time since I posted anything with Christmas and New Year then all the bad weather I never seemed to find the time as we enter the new year I am aiming to post at least once a week even if it is just a nice picture or link to a web site of interest but I am delighted to say I had the chance to work on the MAE web site and change the look a little.

There is a new colour scheme and images and the introduction of a Resources page to replace the gallery page. Thus far on the resources page there are a few links to web sites with collections of Masonic clip and and links to the first two books relating to aspects of Freemasonry.

If you have any link that you think would be a good addition to the web site let me know by emailing me at
So remember to check back often and I'll try to keep you updated.