Friday, August 27, 2010

I'm BACK!!!

Ok so I have been away a long and I mean long time but I am hoping to get back inot the run oif things. The summer saw alot of things going on in my 'real' life that meant I didn't get much of a chance to do what is one of my passions, I just feel lucky that this break happened when the Lodges here on the Emerald Ilse are dark.

I am hoping to have a nissue of the newsletter rady to go mid September and am still taking submissions for it as well as dusting off the ones i got before the summer, wow it was way back in March/April time I did the last one :(

Just a bit of news now, I am attending the Irish Lodge of Research tomorrow in Dublin where the paper is on Rosslyn so am quite excited about that in my September meeting I am presenting the poistponed paper on the Formation of the Three Home Lodges and by then we should be back inot the swing of things. I have just booked my hotel in DC for the ICHF in May and am hard saving up money for that.

Brethren attending the 2009 ICHF held in Edinburgh

I'm going to try and post a little more often and for this first one I thought I'd share a link I was sent via email today. Lewis Masonic has now set up their own YouTube Channel and I'll be interested to see what they will be presenting, their claim is as you can see promising lets hope they hold up their end :)