Saturday, November 14, 2009

thinking of renaming ourselves the MAS

It seem that as the days go on it would be a good idea to change our name from the Masonic Art Exchange (MAE) to the McKim Appreciation Society (MAS) seriously though Stephen McKim continues from day to day to produce better and better pieces of artwork for the Masonic Community.

As the readers will hopefully know by now this months MAE Newsletter saw our lead article being on Brother McKim and some of his fantastic art then the previous post here in the blog was about some print on sale that Stephen had produced but just to show it's not about the money (which he definately deserves so do pop over and buy

or a calender

but the major reason I have touched on the subject of Stephen McKims art again is because of the new addition of a fresh logo for the website, and it is also being used on their Facebook Page as well.

Again I say Brother McKim congratulations on raising the bar again.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Always a little fast

It seems after my last post Brother McKim went and posted a piece which was aimed just at me, I have been living here in Ireland now for over 15 years and have grown to love all things Irish (not least my family) so how could I not enjoy this Stephens latest piece .... no more words are needed just admire then go and buy.

McKim did it again.

For those of you who follow the BLOG, web site, forum or newsletter I think it is no secret that I am a huge Stephen McKim fan. He produces a level of artwork (both Masonic and non-Masonic which can be appreciated and loved by all. Well he gone and done it again producing another masterpiece which can be related to by every mason depicting a man approching the Alter from within a cloud of mist this is another beautiful example which is bound to find it's way onto many a masons wall. Take a bit of time to have a look through some more of his work and why not reread this months article in the MAE newsletter about this talented Brother.

buy your copy of this print here

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Link To Another BLOG

It's not often I will just link to another blog but in the case of Bro. Chris Hodapp it is quite difficult not to do as his words and content are always second to non and worth sharing.
So what has lead me to do so on this occassion? I will let you read yourself but I consider this a definate move in the correct direction. Thanks for once again being one of the first to bring us the most up to date news Chris......

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Templar Tarot: The Journey ........... available to order .... NOW

The information below is taken from Stephen Dafoes blog ( an interesting read at anytime!!) Stephen is taking a limited amount of orders for this wonderful and interesting collection (only 40 and I've already ordered one so thats now down to at the most 39 but I'd say they are going fast) ....

This expanded edition, Templar Tarot: the Journey, includes 101 cards that takes us further along the historical endeavors of the infamous Knights Templar. Unlike any other tarot deck, the Templar Tarot deck features two sets of Major Arcana cards taken from the original art of American artist Allen Chester. The significance of the art is interpreted by Stephen Dafoe, renowned Templar historian and Canadian author. Dafoe draws on his vast knowledge of the Templars and related traditions to see the mystical messages that Chester has captured in the art. As with the first edition of the Templar Tarot, this tarot deck will also be a limited edition. This is a perfect deck for those that use tarot as a meditation tool.

Stephen is taking a limited amount of orders for this wonderful and interesting collection (only 40 and I've already ordered one so thats now down to at the most 39 but I'd say they are going fast)

You can pre-order them via his web site (US and Canada only)

The Lost Symbol,an interview with Dan Brown.

An interview with Dan Brown (in 6 parts ....... make up your own mind .....

The Genesis of Freemasonry

This is an informative interview with David Harrison on the program Gardiners World in which he goes quite into depth and mentions Rosslyn, (who can mention Rosslyn without mentioning Robert L D Coopers book The Rosslyn Hoax) The Templars, the medieaval craft guilds, Dr John Dee and much more.

I found the interviewer to be just a little bias toward the idea of conspiratory theories and freemasonry being a governing body which was not democratically voted in, but found Harrisons answers to such questions clear and well informed.

His book is based on his phd at Liverpool University and just as soon as the book faries deliver a copy I will be reading it and reviewing it in the MAE newsletter.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Mystery stone found near church linked to Knights Templar

By sharing this link I am in no way agreeing this is a Templar stone (I actually feel the connection is quite weak) but just wanted to share.

A MYSTERIOUS carved stone has been uncovered alongside a 12th-century church associated with the Knights Templar.

The stone has been dated to the 12th century. Pictures: Kate Chandler

What appears to be the carved top of a sarcophagus was unearthed when builders were excavating and reinforcing a wall alongside the old ruined church in Temple, Midlothian.

But the inscriptions, which include symbols similar to those found in Viking monuments, in medieval graves and in West Highland Celtic carvings, have baffled archaeologists.

Crispin Phillips, who is renovating a house alongside The Old Parish Church, said: "I was on a mission to repair the wall – which was falling into the graveyard. We got near the bottom of the foundations and found something buried there.

"We found one stone carved with a cross and then another with these carvings on it."


Monday, November 2, 2009

Baals bridge Square

The old brass square, known as the Baal’s Bridge Square, was recovered from the foundations of Baal’s Bridge in Limerick when the bridge was being rebuilt in 1830. It is inscribed

“I will strive to live with Love and Care Upon the Level By the Square”
and bears the date, 1507.

This ancient Square, carefully treasured by Lodge 13 is recorded as being presented to Brother Michael Furnell, Provincial Grand Master, by Brother James Pain, (referred to as the Provincial Grand Architect).

In the Freemasons' Quarterly Review, 1842, p. 288, Bro. Furnell, under the date of 27th. August, 1842, printed a short note on this relic of antiquity, accompanying which is a facsimile sketch. He says that Bro. Pain, in 1830, had been contractor for re-building Baals Bridge in Limerick, and on taking down the old structure, he discovered under the foundation stone at the English town side, this old brass square, much eaten away. In the facsimile sketch, Bro, Furnell puts the date as 1517, which is a mistake, as the square bears the date 1507. A heart appears in each angle.

In the book by H. F. Berry, Assistant Keeper of the Irish Records, “The Marencourt Cup and Ancient Square.” dated 1905, Bro. Berry records that “Ball's (or Baals) Bridge is a beautiful structure, of a single arch, built in 1831, to replace an ancient bridge of the same name, which consisted of four arches, with a range of houses on its west side. The date of the erection of this ancient structure has not been ascertained, but possibly the old square, dated 1507, may have been placed, under the foundation stone in that year. In any case, Bro. Furnell informs us that the old bridge is mentioned in records of 1558.

In a most interesting and valuable paper on a " Diary of the Siege of Limerick Castle, 1642," Journal, R.S.A.I., 1904, p. 163, Mr. M. J. McEnery, M.R.I.A., reproduces a facsimile of a Map of Limerick, taken from Speed's Map of Munster, 1610, which shows the old bridge, called in the reference the Thye bridge ; also portion of the city of Limerick, cir. 1590, from Mr. T. J. Westropp's copy of a map of Limerick in the Library, Trinity College, Dublin, wherein the same bridge is shown, and called in the reference the Tide bridge.

James Pain, a distinguished architect, was born at Isleworth in 1779. He and his brother, George R, Pain, entered into partnership, subsequently settling in Ireland, where James resided in Limerick and George in Cork. They designed and built a number of churches and glebe houses. Mitchelstown Castle, the magnificent seat of the Earls of Kingston, was the largest and best of their designs. They were also architects of Cork Court-house and the County Gaol, both very striking erections, and of Dromoland Castle, the seat of Lord Inchiquin. James Pain died in Limerick 13th. December, 1877, in his 98th year, and was buried in the cathedral church of St. Mary in that city.”

A limited edition of 500 replicas in “distressed” silver, hall marked and numbered, has been struck from a mould taken from the original and each comes in a presentation box accompanied by a certificate of provenance together with a history of the artefact.

The replicas were made to commemorate the 160th Anniversary of the founding of the Provincial Grand Lodge of North Munster in 1842, and are now available to purchase. The proceeds will go towards the Masonic Centre near King John’s Castle in the old City overlooking the River Shannon and not far from where the Square was originally discovered in 1830.

The cost is €uro 195.00 including postage and packing. For your convenience they offer a secure payment link on their web site, using PayPal